Witches and Faggots, Dykes and Poofters [Documentary]
@princessnorah The title seems to think the elements of the list are necessarily different things.
What do you mean?
@princessnorah I mean the elements of the list in the title.
I someone could be a witch and the other elements.
See, this is really intriguing to me, but probably not for the reason you think. The US title of the film seems to be Witches, Faggots, Dykes and Poofters whereas the title I used here is the original Australian one. To me as an Aussie, writing a list of four items like this seems normal, and doesn’t imply to me exclusivity. I mean, as a sapphic trans woman, who often chooses to dress butch, I feel like I absolutely can embody all four terms, indeed often at the same time.
@princessnorah also while writing this I just made the connection between faggot meaning bundle of sticks for burning and witches being burned. People can be awful.