My tap or die crew for #MCVegas. These people, who love our game and our community, made sure thousands of players and fans of #MTG had a great experience. So proud of all of them. Let’s do it again in 2024. #BeLegendary #WOTCstaff
My tap or die crew for #MCVegas. These people, who love our game and our community, made sure thousands of players and fans of #MTG had a great experience. So proud of all of them. Let’s do it again in 2024. #BeLegendary #WOTCstaff
“Winners, I am convinced, imagine their dreams first. They want it with all their heart and expect it to come true. There is, I believe, no other way to live” - Joe Montana
"I dedicate my whole entire life, and I have since a kid, to this sport and this game."
45 Points on 62 FG%
3 Steals & 2 Blocks
Game 3 Victory
Bismarck! Come see our art show tomorrow night (Jan. 6 at 5:30 pm) #northdakota #bismarck #artshow #painting #fatherandson #artist #ndlegendary #belegendary #downtownbismarck
The most North Dakota thing ever is organizing a decades long tourism campaign around the fact that Teddy Roosevelt lived here for like 2 years and said something sort of nice about the state in his diary.
Come to North Dakota!
A great place for self imposed exile.
Confront your deep insecurities, shame, and self loathing while playing cowboy.
Have nature kick your ass and kill all your cows.
Lose all your money and return home as a bigger failure than when you left.